Monday, November 07, 2005

Match Report - A milestone set 8/11/2005

A Rise of nations milestone has just been established and the French nation should be disappointed with themselves.

3 games were played last night

Game 1 – Iroquois forever!

Sahara – Little resources but the little bits all add up to something!

Schebesta - Iroquois
Pryor - Aztecs
Wong - Dutch
Keller - Romans

This game started with an ill fated twang of quietness. An initial rush by Pryor by his Aztec warriors ripped into an unawares Dutch civilization of Mr Wong. This initial flombarge caused havoc for the Dutch empires who’s later game bonuses render them slightly vulnerable in the early game. This initial rush was eventually diffused with drastic time pressures being put on both civilizations in terms of moving up the ages. The lack of resources in this game made tough pickings for any civilization. A slow build up of armies formed into a gunpowder keg war between Keller and Schebesta out the front of their bases. Keller felt the wrath of the mighty Iroquois with devastating consequences as arquebuster cut through shield. A defensive double was started by Wong although all was too late with gunpowder turning into enlightenment and aquebuster turning into musket! Keller resigned and the game was ended.

Special note: Some sly fishing was seen by Pryor to seep resources from this map! A little Oasis in this desert.

Game 2 –

Harris - Germans
Keller - Romans
Wong - Dutch
Schebesta – Random (French)

A large amount of talk was experienced prior to this game with Keller taunting Schebesta into submission pregame! Schebesta was handicapped with a Random civilization after the previous games performance. This game started with a slow but well thought out build up by the Keller and Harris civilization. Both Generals intended early rushes from the beginning and built their civilizations accordingly. Schebesta’s fumbling with his newly met French civilisation shone through with Kellers Caesar’s Legions marching in and over the closest city. A scrambling French army stood like wild rabbits staring into blinding lights stunned at the beauty of the blade about to strike it from existence! Schebesta’s army stood no chance to the might of a well groomed and well prepared horde of Roman troops raping and pillaging French cities trying to love not fight. A swift and quick battle loss actually resulted in a loss in the war.

Special Note: This is a milestone victory for the Keller Harris team and one which has sparked a new rivalry as can be seen as far back as Age of Kings prior to the conquerors edition.

Game 3 - “25. Gonna Rush!” “25. Gonna Rush!” “25. Gonna Rush!”

Australian Outback

Wong - Bantu
Schebesta - Iroquois
Harris - Germans
Keller - Romans

After initial hype and an undue amount of grief from Keller to Schebesta after a milestone victory the stage was set for a rematch. No handicaps no more talk just a challenge to Rise your Nation to world supremacy!

The Australian outback has always been an interesting map with its water resources calling and tight land opportunities. This war began with an initial taunt from Keller to all “25. Gonna Rush” and rush is exactly what he had in mind! The Wong and Schebesta team changed their stripes for this match and reverted to a much more military focused civilization. The Wong Bantu burst out of the sheds with a civilization bonus of 3 cities in the early minutes of the game and quickly inhabited the Australian Outback with many Archers and Heavy infantry and a smattering of light infantry. Herr Harris instilled his German civilization with his A grade production rushing horsemen and Vanderguards. An initial attack was met with Bantu defense and quashed to a rest although production raiders managed to pry off a loose civilian and halt a peaceful city to a bell crashing stop. Kellers regimented army waited peacefully in their barracks with a 5 strong heavy infantry 3 heavy horsemen and despot crash tackled its way into the Iroquois jungle. Schebesta met this force with armor piercing archer and javenlier and a tipple of heavy infantry. The might of the Roman Legionaire crushed bone and tower as it marched through the Schebesta base. A poor decision not to further upgrade his light infantry put Schebesta at a loss in battle and caused a military scramble. Schebesta lacked in production to a mighty Roman commerce filled nation. 3 battles saw Schebesta down a city and with only a partesian of troops. Reinforcements from the Wong empire eased the pain of a final assault on the Schebesta nation by Keller and allowed Schebesta to rise up to his all too faithful gunpowder age. Kellers army retreated trebuchet and all back into his base with a crushing double defence. Schebesta quickly turned slinger into arquebuster and marched into the Keller civilization where gunpowder sliced through metal in an all too familiar feeling for the Roman soliders. The might of supreme technology turned a powerful legionnaire into a cumbersome sword lugging brute. The Schebesta armies had no mercy in destroying all but a single temple when opening up the Keller Roman empire. Wong and Harris traded blows whilst the final Schebesta assault sliced through whilst Keller stood in his palace playing the Violin as his empire burnt to the ground and was filled with angry South American blood.

Special Note: A Harris double defence would have been tough given the might of the Bantu armies and the impending doom that could have been felt.

Next Game:
The next game is set for quite an intense battle! How is tonight?

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